about us

Together, we’re making plastic takeout a thing of the past. 



We can’t solve a plastic problem with more plastic. 

Alison Cove founded USEFULL to help organizations forge a plastic-free future. USEFULL was founded on the belief that sustainability must be seamless. Our mission is to make reusable takeout accessible and convenient for any university, organization, or business that wants to be a part of the reuse movement.

Single-use plastic bottles landfill


Plastic is toxic for us and our planet.

  • Plastic is killing our planet: 1-to-2 million tons of plastic enter the oceans each year.

  • We’re eating plastic: Polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) takeout containers all shed microplastics into our food. 

  • Recycling is not the answer: Just 5-to-6% of plastic is recycled in the U.S.  And most recycled plastic ends up in landfill or incineration after just 1 or 2 recycling cycles.



USEFULL is the only 100% plastic-free returnable takeout solution on the market. 

With USEFULL’s tech-enabled, stainless steel system, users check out and return containers just like a library book. Our trackable app ensures user accountability, which allows our beautiful stainless steel containers to last more than three years.

Checking out USEFULL container with food


We support both sustainability and human health.

USEFULL containers are made from stainless steel, and our lids are made from silicone. When it comes to the environment and human health, these materials are the top choice. 

  • Stainless steel is durable, and studies have found that stainless steel containers last well over 1,000 uses. With prolonged use, stainless steel becomes the more sustainable option. 

  • Stainless steel containers are the ideal choice for human health. Stainless steel is a high-quality, non-reactive material which does not interact with acidic or alkaline foods.

  • Unlike plastic, stainless steel does not break down during the recycling process and can be recycled indefinitely.

  • Incredibly durable, food-grade silicone is free of microplastics and plastic chemicals. Even better, it can be recycled at the end of life.

  • USEFULL is FDA and Prop 65-certified.



USEFULL is building a zero-waste future by eliminating plastics from the takeout stream at college and corporate dining operations.

USEFULL works with clients to drive lasting, sustainable behavior change. USEFULL helps its clients eliminate waste, save water, and reduce emissions to meet their sustainability goals. USEFULL integrates its API with leading campus card solutions (e.g. Transact, CBORD, TouchNet, Atrium) and is building predictive analytics tools to help dining managers best serve their communities.



Today, USEFULL’s clients across the country are saying yes to plastic-free. 

With a 99% return rate, USEFULL partners have kept more than 500,000 single-use containers out of the landfill… and we’re just getting started.


Join us. Let’s make plastic takeout a thing of the past.